Resource - Outlook

In the first step of Resource Outlook Guide (see figure below) you select start time, and end time and what direction the transfer should go. The guide will point to the database normally used in Resource. If you want to work with another database, you click on the button with (...) and select another database.

Initiering Next steg Cancel Select if the transfer shall go from Resource to Outlook or vice versa. If you fetch from Outlook also select if only bookings from Resource shall be shown. Select Resource databasa to work with Select amongst saved profiles Delete a profile Select start time Select end time

Here you also select start- and end time. They decide in what time frame the guide shall look for bookings, both in Resource and in Outlook. If select wrong start- and end time the guide will give you a message that no bookings are valid in the select interval.

You also select what direction the information shall go by selecting either "To Resource from Outlook" or "From Resource to Outlook". If you select the first choice you can also select that Resource Outlook Guide only shall show records originating from Resource by selecting "Only Resource bookings".

There are four buttons at the bottom of the guide. With these you navigate between the different steps. The first button, "Cancel" will finish the guide and is available during all steps of the guide. The button "Previous" will take you to the previous step in the guide. If you are on the first step this button is disabled. In the same manor the button "Next" will take you to the next step in the guide. With the button "Apply" the transfer will start between Resource and Outlook or vice versa. The button "Apply" is only available at the last step in the guide.

If you click on the button 'Next' you will be taken to the next step and 'Cancel' button will shutdown the program.

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